POSTPONED: Embracing a New Mindset: Post-pandemic talent recruitment & retention strategies

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Embracing a new mindset: Post-pandemic talent recruitment & retention strategies


We will be joined by local management consulting firm, Warren Whitney, to talk about an issue we are all too familiar with – the workforce. Now that we are seemingly starting to emerge from the pandemic, how have recruitment and retention changed? We will be joined by Janet Duncan and Tom Prest to discuss talent retention, recruiting, and compensation in a post-pandemic workforce.

Janet Duncan
Human Resources Director, Warren Whitney

Janet Duncan is a director of Warren Whitney with more than 25 years of extensive human resources and compensation management experience focusing on long-term, competitive strategies to attract, retain, and engage top talent and achieve cost management. Janet provides a full range of HR consulting services and strategic solutions and often serves in an interim HR director role for our clients

Tom Prest
Director of Human Resources, Warren Whitney

Tom Prest is a director of Warren Whitney with more than 25 years of leadership in human resources and administration. He focuses on long-term, competitive strategies to attract, retain, and engage top talent while achieving cost management. With a focus on growth and impact, Tom is a team player who thrives in collaborative environments. He translates visions and strategies into actionable, value-added results. Tom provides a full range of strategic and HR consulting services. He brings perspective from working in both the nonprofit and private sectors.

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